
1. Shoheli Healing Method

Having professionally practiced several healing methods for over a decade, Shoheli’s experience has guided her to develop her own healing method. Shoheli Healing Method is fast, thorough, deep and effective. It works at the root level to remove problems. It covers the entire spectrum of human issues such as relationships, finances, health, addiction, trauma, loss of loved ones etc. It can also be done remotely.

2. Family and Ancestral Healing

In spite of working on ourselves, we still feel energy blocks sometimes. This happens because we unconsciously carry our family and ancestral influences that affect us. This form of healing helps us in relieving ourselves of this burden.

3. Past Life Regression Therapy

We are a sum total of our complete existence. Much of what we are experiencing in our present life is what we carry from our past lives that prevent us from moving into our future. Seeing and understanding our past helps us let go of the unnecessary burden that we have been carrying, unconsciously.

4. Organizational Healing

This technique is used to understand and heal problems at workplace and to clear blocks in organizational relationships and business finances. The organizational healing brings about balance in the professional environment.

5. Rebirthing breathwork

Rebirthing breathwork is a simple, gentle yet powerful conscious breathing technique. It brings awareness to not only our unconsciously held beliefs and emotions but also the relationships we have with our bodies, ourselves and our world. When we consciously breathe with this awareness, we make it possible to resolve, integrate and heal previously unresolved issues within ourselves. This frees up energy, bringing about greater liveliness and joy thus, allowing us to move towards fulfillment of our potential as human beings. Rebirthing breathwork is a powerful healing method which offers you a unique experience.